Sunday 17 March 2013


Hey guys!
      This is just to inform you guys that my blog has been moved to wordpress. I've fallen in love with the way my blog looks over there. My new address is I hope you guys like the new blog as much I do. All my old posts have been imported. Please follow the blog and try to comment, I'd appreciate that a lot! Thanks and see you around. x

Saturday 16 March 2013

Be Happy

Hello all!!!
       How's it going?? Good week?? I hope everyone is feeling great. Because I feel amazing! It's been a.. great week. Started off really slow, but picked up at the end. And I've been having a ball (since Friday of course). I've done a lot of thinking this week, not that that's anything new, I'm always thinking, it's actually a problem. Well, again I have a lot to say today and just as a warning this post might be a long one because I'm really excited at the time of writing this (I'll tell you why if you read till the end ;)). If I keep having too much to say, it might actually become a problem. I mean there's only several ways to refer to things I learned in the week and I'm running out of titles so don't panic if you see a post titled ''untitled''. So, I'll briefly talk about the low points of my week and move on to enumerate the highlights, because who wants to dwell on the bad stuff, right?
      I had a strange beginning to the week, probably because I was unprepared, I was basically too lazy on Sunday, all I did was study and clean my room at 2am. I didn't cook or have any meal plan set up for the week. You see, I have a bit of OCD with these things and I like to be prepared, to plan ahead. Some people are blessed to be able to be (that sounds so nice) spontaneous. I'm not like that and if you're the same way, you probably understand me. I felt lost and rushed through Monday and Tuesday and even part of Wednesday. I was irritable and easily discouraged. I considered dropping out of school because I felt too cool for school (ha!), I just wasn't sure what I'd do if I dropped out so I chilled and kept studying. I tried to organise my life on Wednesday evening and I felt better the next day and the rest of the week. Maybe it's just me but an organised mind can only flourish in an organised person and it doesn't hurt to always be prepared. Procrastination feels great, but the panic afterward, not so fun. I still procrastinate though, sometimes.
      Now onto the good stuff, after the massive response to my post Lessons my friend Nastya encouraged me to write more personal stuff, I quote her ''isn't that the point of a blog?''. So, guys, there might  be some oversharing happening around here soon. I also experienced first hand the feeling of wanting something so much it scares you. My dreams for my future seem to be changing  evolving. I'm still thinking about it, but I assume it's normal at a younger age, the things we want change, the kind of people we like changes, our style changes, our choice of music changes and all that. Change is scary. I remember reading '' Who moved my cheese?'' by Spencer Johnson (more info here ) when I was nine or ten and not quite grasping how scary change can be. But now, I understand better- Change. But, change isn't always bad. I actually think it's hardly ever bad because things might seem bad because they're different, that's the basis of racial prejudice, of all kinds of prejudice. But there's definitely something great about everything, everyone and even if that isn't true sometimes, only thinking like that gives you such a fresh perspective on life, it keeps you happy, hoping and that's good. My conclusion? Change is good. I've therefore decided to not be afraid to love something or be passionate about something or to work hard at something as long as I love it.
      The highlight of my week? Lindsey Kelk . She's an author, google her if you're curious. I've basically been obsessed with her this past week, with her books actually. She's amazing. Especially if you're female, you HAVE to read her books. So light, easy, witty. Amaze-balls. Soo, after reading three of her books in a week, I just had to email the lady and the awesome part? SHE REPLIED!! Here's what she said:
My fan  girl moment, totally justified. Uhm did you see the part where she called me talented? I completed my first short story this week also and that makes me very happy. I'm trying to write more and improve my writing. Reading and writing take me to unimaginable places and I forget all my stress for a while. I'll be sharing my short story sometime this week when I'm brave enough.
     You can see why my week was amazing. Also, I want to thank all those who wrote me about my last post, saying how they related to it, how much they loved it and how inspired they were. I'm so grateful. I have no words to express gratitude. Thank you. I did some retouching on my blog (is that even right?). Well, I revamped it. I hope its easier to navigate (and the follow button is in clear view). I discovered the magic of audio books this week also. Totally a way to indulge my laziness, just listen. My favorite shows came back this week. I started religiously following this season of American Idol, finally! Now can someone tell me why I shouldn't be happy? Whenever you're down, remind yourself of all the awesomeness that is you and yourself and all the little achievements and all those who love you. I think I just found today's title people. *pops champagne!* Be happy, nobody, nothing is worth your tears. Have an amazing week, I plan to xx
  **PS Inspiration of the week The Inspiration That is Lazaro Arbo .

Thursday 14 March 2013

Memory Lane

Wide streets
Many faces
Dead, alive, sad, happy
Some loving, welcoming
Some jealous, angry

Smooth paths sometimes
Broken hearts piercing the sole of my foot
Like wicked gravel
Carcasses littering the path sometimes
Thick forests of old grudges

Happy times
When life was easier
No big choices
When all we had was joy and laughter
We didn't know how to hate

Sad memories 
of those we lost along the way
Those who died
Those who strayed
Those we drove away

And then I'm back in the present
To what my life is now
To all the people here now
Looking to the future; to making more memories
Memory lane in my rear view mirror

Saturday 9 March 2013


          Hey guys!
    How is everyone doing today? How was your week? I hope you all had a great week. I had a good week, for the most part. You know, I always wait till Saturdays to write about my week. I find that looking at things after taking a step (or two) back really helps. You see things that you never would've seen in the heat of the moment, you can evaluate things you said and plan better responses for the future. You come to appreciate things that went wrong and you can see clearly the lessons learnt. You make peace with spilled milk and decide to do better. I wait till Saturdays because I want to keep the blog unbiased and drama free. I want to have a lesson or more from every week to share. I like to see the humor in every thing and my personality is such that I'm rarely able to do this in the heat of the moment. I can be quite serious. I see the quirky stuff when I take a step back and ramble a bit.
     I learnt so much this week and I'm having trouble coming up with a title for this post. The highlights of my week would have to be:
  1. Reuniting with my favorite threesome, my best girlfriends from college and just gabbing about nothing and everything for three hours straight. I miss them so much. They're all in different time zones and we ended the conversation promising to have regular catch up sessions (fingers crossed). The next day, I had a lengthy conversation with my best girlfriend here and she had the same experience- catching up with an old friend. And she had the same feelings of pure joy and just hopefulness that they would indeed stay in touch as promised. In both our cases, these were people we hadn't spoken to in quite a while and when we did talk, it was just like old times, like nothing had changed. My lesson : With real friends, time is just an illusion. It always feels like no time has passed. There might be initial (5 minute) awkwardness that comes with re acquaintance, but then it feels just like old times. So if you had a true friend, a real friend, don't let time or distance be a barrier. Try to stay in touch. Maybe not daily or weekly conversations, but check up on each other, send sweet messages. Be there. Be present in spirit. It feels wonderful.
  2. Having my cousin over for a night. I'm the kind of person who loves her space. I like my company. I like to have time to ponder every scenario. To imagine stories. To listen to music. Read. And just breathe. No voices. Just my thoughts. I discovered that people time can be good as well. I  mean I have people time normally, just not with so many people and not so often. But being with someone else, cooking for an extra mouth or just asking if they need something felt nice. I mean if it was for three weeks, I might get tired, I know. All I'm saying is it helps to think of someone other than yourself sometimes. We all need time. Everyone should learn to like their company. To love their company. But we need people every once in a while. Just so we don't forget how to feel.
  3. Opinions are just that, opinions. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Your opinions do not have to become someone else's rules. I can't exactly say why or from what situations I learned this. I can say that I learned this from both myself and other people. I've always been very opinionated. Not so vocal about my opinions, but opinionated all the same. I'd rather write what I think than say it. Only certain people's opinions actually matter to me. I don't need to say all of their names, but they know that their opinions matter and they don't throw around their words carelessly because they know their words matter. A ton of people's opinions actually mean nothing to me but I'm not going to throw that in their faces because while their opinions do not matter, they have a right to have one. My point? Respect everyone's opinions but only a few should shape you. And if you know your opinion matters to a person, don't throw hurtful words at them or be dishonest with them because they're counting on your honesty. And sometimes if your opinion isn't asked (when it isn't a life or death issue) swallow your opinion.
   4. This week, someone told me they were inspired by the music on the page of one of the (many, I know) social networks I'm on. She called it ''my music''. I was floored. I immediately went to see what songs were on there. I couldn't help thinking how we affect others by our words, actions, dressing, music, poems and everything else. It's amazing how we all have an opportunity to INSPIRE. We should never take this for granted. You never think that anyone is watching you. Or going through your phone or ipod. Or reading your blog. But there's someone, for everyone. Maybe it's one little person, a younger sibling, a friend. Anyone. Live like the world is watching and learning. There's someone watching all of us. We may not inspire Him, but we make him proud. Live to inspire.
   5. Thank you. So many people met me this week and went ''you didn't tell me you had a blog!''. Even my closest friends!. And my number of views here skyrocketed. Thank you. For reading all the silly rambling. And if you made it down here. I write more poems nowadays because I'm terrified of saying how I actually feel in real sentences now that I know I good number of people actually read this thing.Thank you again. I appreciate it. Sorry for all this deep talk and emotional rambling. I was feeling inspired. I'm looking forward to hearing from anyone who would be willing to add their thoughts to any of the things I wrote about in this post. person, on Facebook or your comments here.
          Have a lovely week guys! And remember to inspire. Not to bring others down. Just inspire, And love. And laugh. And be happy. xx

***P.S Please listen to Justin Timberlake's ''Mirrors'' here. That song just became my Number 1 feel-good song!!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Thump Thump

My heart falls out of step
Every time I see your face
And whenever your voice is heard
I feel my stomach drop into space

You give me premature ventricular contractions
You make my heart's doorbell ring
With you it's all about the expression
Of all the feelings my heart can bring

Your eyes pull me into your soul
Every time I stare.
My heart you stole
And I'm not sure I want it back in here.

I'm not sure about forever
But right now you're my magic
Who needs forever?
Right now is fantastic.

Saturday 2 March 2013


      How's it going people? I hope you all had a good week, cos I did! It was stressful (as usual) but most of it went really well. Honestly, it was really an uneventful week and I'd rather not bore you with all the details. Plus most of my favorite shows are on hiatus, which sucks. And I've basically passed out the past two nights, as opposed to sleeping. I just collapse from 9pm till about 5am the next day. I dare say my body is very grateful. This week there's been a bit of thought as to making my life more... productive. I've returned to list making, using post-its around my room to remind me of my priorities and it's working (in case you were wondering). I'm learning more French and I've gotten the hang of knot tying (**pops champagne!**) and I did pretty okay on the tests **insert fist pumping**. I'm feeling more grateful everyday, than I've ever felt at any point in my life.
       This week, the thing that hit me the hardest is the importance of having the right priorities. Different things are important to different people and while it's not my place to tell you what should be first place in your life, I'll tell you this : Get out a sheet of paper or you can use a notepad and think about the most important things in your life. Write them in order of importance. Why? Your priorities say a lot about you. You'll never really know what's most important to you until you have them staring back at you in ink. When you've figured out what's important to you, your life will be simpler. You don't have to stop doing things because they're less important, but it will help you know what to bump out if you need to make important decisions. Remember of course that priorities change. However the most important things often remain the same. Most people will say God is the most important person in their lives. But it goes beyond just saying that or even convincing yourself. Is that the truth? Do you live life in a way that shows that you value that relationship? Or is it only a verbal proclamation? Think about it. Whatever is most important to you, make sure it's the right thing. Avoid misplacing priorities. It also helps to review that list you've made from time to time and maybe move some things around, or even delete things which do not add value to your life.
         In less exciting news, I took some pictures on my phone while I was taking out the trash during the week. They're basically just boring pictures of the sun >.<

       I'm now going to start working on the things in my to do list. The plan is to get them all most of them crossed by the end of tomorrow. Ohh and we've got a public holiday on Friday next week! It's going to be a shorter week this week. Have a great week everyone and thanks for your comments and for reading all the posts! xx


Thursday 28 February 2013

LOST-- A Poem

Stuck at crossroads
To turn left?
To turn right?
To move forward?
Or take backward steps?

No one to ask
No one to help
All alone
Stomach lurching
Sweating bullets

Unable to return
No memory of start point
Eyes darting
How did you get here?
No knowledge of how to advance

Too many mistakes made?
Acknowledge your mistakes
There's no room for you in the land of the lost.


Saturday 23 February 2013


Hi guys!
         How's everyone doing today? I hope you all had a good week. If you were wondering, it was a good one for me too, well mostly. And as usual, the weekend has been the best part. But I'm still going to tell you guys about my week though, so fear not. Well, Hardest part :Knot tying. I started doing topographic anatomy this semester (some universities call it ''surgical techniques'') and all had been great until I met the knot tying part. I mean your girl can even suture (partially) but I can't seem to tie the ''ropes'' the way surgeons are supposed to. Take note, I CAN tie them, just not like a surgeon should, that is, with minimal contact with the body of the patient. It was pretty frustrating. And I'm still working on it. It led me to thinking about knots.. a lot. All kinds of knots, literal and figurative. You know like how your stomach can be in knots when you're nervous or how you can tie yourself in knots when you tangle with the wrong kind of people? Yup. My conclusion? Good things hardly ever come out of knots, HARDLY. Except the fact that knotting keeps sutured wounds closed.
          Best part : Friday! My Fridays are the best to be honest. I get to learn pediatrics in a children's hospital and I close the earliest AND get to see friends in the evening after a stressful week. This Friday was extra cool. Spent time getting to know my new group mates and I dare say we had a ball. There were quite a few clashes based on the different perspectives of the male and female species on relationships and love. It was quite an intellectual conversation. We started a French group in my congregation this week and I'm very excited to be a part of it. I'm trying to bring my French back as my brain seems to have been taken over by Russian. Safe to say I've got a lot on my plate and surprisingly, I quite like it. I love a good challenge. I may be practicing some of my French with you guys too. I'm trying to stay in the multilingual state of mind. ;). I plan to spend the rest of my weekend cooking, eating, practicing my knot tying, studying and resting. Basically try to be as productive as possible and be ready for the new week.
          I took a few pictures when I went thrift shopping today and during the week, with my phone too. Nothing too fancy.

Group mates

Group mates + me
Neon heels. (which I didn't buy)

Sunshine today. Spring is coming people!

      Don't panic just yet, there's a lesson for the week ''practice makes perfect'' (or almost), knot tying or not, no pun intended. I'll try and try again. Prayer helps too.
      Thanks to all who stop by and comment and follow. And thanks to my mum who reads EVERY single article and tells me whether or not she likes them. Have a great week guys! xx


Thursday 21 February 2013


  Hearts that feel squeezed in the chest,
With moisture filling the palms of their hands.
Feeling out of breath.
And feet that are losing their grip on land.

Paralyzed minds
Unable to think clearly
Thoughts entwined
But no words, sadly

Those afraid to dream
Those afraid to fly
Afraid to be under their own steam
They lay in bed and sigh

Too scared to love
Too scared to trust
Too scared to show they love
Too scared to show they trust

Terrified of failure
No balls to face reality
Too much fright to be sure
Of your own ability

Afraid of all the wrong things
Unaware of the right fear
Which with wisdom 
Is in the same kingdom

Everything else can be conquered
With a little faith
And some trust
And some love.


Saturday 16 February 2013

Staying True


     It's a good day for me today! It's been such  a great weekend so far and I'm more grateful for the kind of friends I have who make me happy and cheer me up every time. My week though, was good. It wasn't great, but good. I felt irritable most of the time and my steadfast Sony Ericsson phone died. She was a year and one month old. Cause of death: Trauma from a fall down two storeys (apparently, according to microsoft ''storeys'' isn't a real word *shrugs*). Anyway, that's by the way. School this week felt really hectic and I don't know why, it felt like longer hours but I felt like everything was just happening really quickly at the same time. Like I'd have an 8am class and before I knew it would be 7pm and I'd be studying for my test the next day. Let's just say I really appreciated the whole TGIF mantra this week.
   This week I learned an important lesson about staying true to yourself. By staying true to yourself, I don't mean that you shouldn't try to change bad habits or make yourself a better person or learn from the advice of others. I mean that whatever the circumstances are, remain cheerful and nice to people. Even if you're having a bad day, or you're broke or hungry (this is for me), try not to treat people differently from how you would've treated them if you were in a superb mood. Don't let one person determine how you treat others. If someone is rude to you all the time or picks on you, it doesn't mean you should be rude to other people or even to that person (if you can manage). It's cliche but true. Rise above it. If you're too angry to be nice to the person immediately after he offends you, be nice to other people. Stay true to you. Be the great friend you've always been, be the good student you've always been, be the polite coworker you've always been. Do not let anyone take control over your your emotions and reactions because at the end of the day, YOU will lose friends and ruin your good reputation. 
   Guess who took some photos this week? Me. Here are some of my favorites.

Photo by Christina

You can guess who my muse was today ;)

       I plan to have a great Sunday as well. The motto for this weekend is: ''Be productive''. I hope you all have a productive weekend where you stay true to your fab selves! Thank you for stopping by! And leave comments or follow the blog once in a while ;) xx


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Love A Little

Reeling from disappointment
Crushed by betrayal
Broken by loss
No tears left to cry

Rising from the ashes
Building walls even higher
Walls without a gate
No door, window or even a crack

Closing up from touch
Like a delicate mimosa flower
Fleeing from attachment
An island terrified of hurt

It's time to live again
Throw caution to the wind
Try a little, Trust a little
  Love a little

P.S Song of the day: Kaci-I will learn to love again (So appropriate right? )

Sunday 10 February 2013

Nigeria Goes GOLD!!

     *composes self* Hi guys!
    Nigeria won the African Cup of Nations!!! I'm so impressed by this feat. As we all know, we've had quite a difficult time winning any trophies for a while, so this was very welcome good news. I decided to take a break from the usual writing and do a hats off to Nigeria by giving a recap of the highlights. Not the actual pitch highlights of course. I mean I watch football, but I'm not the best person to talk about it, I'd probably just make some kind of blunder. I'm giving y'all HIGHLIGHTS FROM TWITTER. Prepare to be very amused. 
      The Nigerian community on Twitter was very excited about this match you know, although we spent the first few minutes arguing about  what people from Burkina Faso are called. 

      We never quite figured it out, so if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments below. We also talked a lot about the Burkina players (I don't know how to call them yet *shrugs*), ESPECIALLY BANCE, you know the really dark guy with indomie hair? or was it french fries. Let's see what my Twitter folks said.

Well, what can I say? Nigerians are really funny people.
There were also funny speculations as to all the mixed chances and people had a lot of funny images about what the Burkina people had done to make our dear Musa fall like a leaf in autumn. This was one of them.
Ohh and when that Nigerian pushed the Burkina guy? Don't mess with Nigerians.
And at the end of the day, I felt more sorry for Ghanaians than Nigerians. I still don't understand why they try to quarrel with Nigerians, the average Nigerian can insult 5 people at once and be unnerved. And at the end of the day?

So Burkina lost. Poor Bance had to cry and still no pity for him. More insults. Proof?
CONGRATULATIONS SUPER EAGLES!!!! Enjoy your victory! Cheers!

Friday 8 February 2013


   Hi guys!
        How did your week go? Better than mine I hope. School went quite well this week. The highlight of my week was definitely my microbiology teacher. Very amusing fellow. In his early 70's, I think. Everything reminds him of an experience he's had, that's the beautiful thing about being old- you've seen it all. He is quite well traveled and funny in an old mischievous kinda way. Honestly was riveted by his lectures, although I admit I spent a few minutes calculating his age after he said that he had graduated from our university in 1964. My first therapy class was also really good. I learnt such a huge amount of stuff about how a hospital works and general protocol. Proper learning will commence next week though, so I wasted a lot of precious time this week and time did seem to fly by with all the 8am to 4:25pm classes. But, so far, so good.
       This week was also really sad for me. Two people I care about died. One of them was a young woman who had been married four years at most. She had two children, one of whom is a three month old. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor after she had her second child. And she died at the end of January. I know a lot people say stuff like this, but I saw this woman, pregnant and healthy this past summer, she rode in our car once while I was home and she visited my family with her husband who will now care for their two children. I can still hear her laugh. How is she now buried, six feet deep somewhere? After my mum told me about her death, I couldn't stop thinking of just how fleeting life is. I believe in the hope of a resurrection as written in the bible, but it still hurts now anyway and I cannot imagine how her husband, parents and siblings are coping.
         So, I am GRATEFUL. This raises other feelings though. I feel guilty. Guilty that I live and breathe, and eat and hear the voices of those I love and guilty that I can hear good music. Guilty that my entire family, my parents, brother and extended family are alive and well. Is this what survivors guilt is? I'm stuck. I'm stuck in this place between thankfulness and guilt and I'm hoping I get out soon. So I can live and breathe and actually live. So I believe that this life isn't all there is. It can not be. I'm waiting for the real life the bible promises. I don't want to leave on a sad note people, so let's make something good out of this and remember to thank our maker everyday for all the mundane things we take for granted- life, waking up, sight, taste, family, health, money, everything-, constantly remind our loved ones how much we love them  and lets us pray that He strengthens all who don't have all those liberties. Remember not to weep as those who have no hope- 1st Thessalonians 4:13.
         Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave your comments, I'd love to know what you think! Have a fab week xx
P.S My song of the week Colton Dixon- I'll Be the light (Its Amaaazing)

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Trust violated
Circle broken
    Hearts mutilated
      Denial beckoning.

 I feel my idea of us shatter.
In my discombobulated mind,
I hear pieces of my broken heart clatter.
Feeling as worthless as an orange rind.

Memories clearer under the mist of deception
How had I never seen?
I allowed my heart to perform repression;
Blind my eyes in my head since

I accept, I was a fool
I accept, I have been played
I accept, its time to pull away the wool
I accept, I have been betrayed. 


                                                                   -Eme Umesi A.


Sunday 3 February 2013

Back To School

Hi guys!
   So.. the party's over, and its time to return to that super busy lifestyle- Late nights with the loving thickly bound textbooks, living on quickly prepared meals, five hours (or less) of sleep- oh the joy!
Anyway, I'll stop whining now. I did after all have a great holiday and I feel well rested and I think I have gained enough weight to have some disposable fat (joke). Well, I know this may sound weird but I am a little  excited about going back to school. New courses mean more interesting stuff to learn about the human body and it also means one semester closer to completing medical school, so its really not a bad deal if you ask me. PLUS, I start visiting the hospital, taking surgery classes (more like watching surgeries)- more work, but exciting (to me anyway).
   I spent the last few days of my two week break just relaxing and being a slob. Eating four times a day, sleeping ten hours a day and drinking a lot of milkshakes. You can't blame me, just recharging my batteries. I did spend about two minutes trying to remember the cause of fatty liver disease from my biochemistry because I'm scared a two week break may have decomposed all my knowledge and then I just decided to enjoy the process while it lasted. It's one of the new things I'm learning to do ''slow down and smell the roses''. You know, be a little patient, enjoy every stage of every thing. Don't be in too much of a rush to do everything. Listen carefully, take your time eating (prevents indigestion), don't talk too fast, don't skip pages while you're reading that book. All that stuff works better when you're not a medical student though or your life isn't too busy, so when you do get time to unwind, soak it all up and enjoy it!.. Savor the moment.
   I hope to still hang out here as much as I can, give you guys the highlights of my week and tell y'all what the hospital is like. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you all are too. Sorry guys, the pictures may be a bit a bit boring today as  I spent most of my time chilling at the mall and stuffing my face with food. P.S I discovered you can also fry bread in butter as opposed to actually frying it. ( I'm probably the last to find out, but allow me bask in my new found knowledge and if you didn't know, then you learned something new! :)). AND, I changed my URL name (is that what it's called?) its now :D. Thank you all who drop by to check on my little blog, I really appreciate it, it means a lot to know I'm not writing my thoughts (my very random thoughts) and posting pictures for nothing. And don't be shy to leave comments down below, I'd love to know what you think. Now the pictures (FINALLY!)

One of those incredibly filling breakfasts

The snow hasn't let up still

Camera time is happy time

I was bored, allow me

The one time I went out
Did y'all notice I have braids on? A nice young lady had them done for me.
 Thanks for stopping by. Till Later. Have a fab week! xx

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Memoirs of a Good Weekend

   Hello beautiful people! How are y'all doing today? In case you haven't noticed, someone is in a fab mood today ^_^. I had a great weekend- good food, good people, great stuff (nasty weather though). I'll give you the highlights.. mostly. The weekend started on Thursday for me, visited some friends who live an hour away from my city. It was snowing cats and dogs! but I got there in one piece. We did our manicure :D and made some delish pizza :D and caught up on life and American Idol. There were a lot of laughs about Nicki Minaj's Nicknaming. Got back home Friday evening and caught up with my friends at Seattle Grace Hospital ( Its from a TV show- Grey's Anatomy).
     I had movie night Saturday, finally saw Life of Pi. Beautiful visuals. Loved the Bengal tiger, I can't wait till animals and humans get to live together (Isaiah 65:25). Then that mind boggling ending (SPOILER ALERT), I do not want to believe that Richard Parker was his way of blocking what really happened. I actually stayed up all night picturing his second story where the Zebra was the sailor, the orangutan his mother, the hyena the cook and he, the Bengal tiger. I'd rather believe that it was just him and the animals on the boat. Well, if you haven't seen Life of Pi, you should, its really good and then you'd understand all his rambling better. Ohh and I watched the Togo-Algeria match with some friends, I thought it was a bit slow, hopefully as the competition progresses, we'll get more action. But it was still great!
   I learned an important lesson about forgiveness this weekend too. Its important, for your health, your peace of mind and your relationship with God. I know this might sound cliche, but someone you haven't forgiven has control over you and I don't know about you but I like to have control over myself and not have the mere sight of someone piss me off every time. I'd rather be indifferent *shrugs*. Also, one question, I'd like to know your opinion (if anyone's reading this, lol) sound off in the comments below ''Do you think looking back at the past is healthy?'' I think its got pros and cons, like it helps you see how much you've grown and how much you've been blessed and how much you've learned from life. It can also be unhealthy, if you let the past obstruct your future kinda like looking at the rear view mirror too often while driving and neglecting looking ahead. I'd really like to know what y'all think.
     And now, the best part, :) PHOTOS! Enjoy!

Its winter wonderland

Outside my window
Pizza in the making

All done! Homemade Pizza

One of my slices ;)


Persian all the wayy :)
   Have a FAB week xx

Saturday 19 January 2013

Week In Review

Hello guys!
 I hope you all had a great week. I personally did not have one of the best weeks, so many mood swings, it was quite dizzying. But nothing like family and friends to help you count your blessings and I'm finally looking forward to the holiday (yup I've got a break for two weeks). I'm hoping to be able to share some photos and fun experiences on here.  I discovered I like Florence and the machine just recently. The funny thing thing about me is that I like songs and artists at my own time, its ridiculous. Starting the new week with a fresh attitude and happiness.
 Took a few photos this week as well and reconnected with some friends. There has been weight gain too!! :D.

 These are some of the photos. I've been analyzing some stuff lately as well, basically I've got too much time on my hands. But its some pretty cool stuff I think and I'll let you all know as soon as I've got it all figured out. I'm also considering making serious travel plans for the summer, but we'll see. One important thing I learned this week though is that ''You're in control of how you feel and you should make the decision to be happy'' ( It spares you stress lines ;)).
 That's all folks! Have a great week and talk to you soon xx

Thursday 17 January 2013

Life So Far...

HEY Guys!!!
   It has been ages!!! Wow. I literally abandoned this blog.. I didn't forget about it though, I just abandoned it. I had to focus on other things and writing was becoming more of a chore for some reason (Forget all the grammar, it was a major case of writer's block plus being too busy to actually think). But, I'm back. A lot has changed, there's been a lot of growth and experiences. I discovered that I can't share experiences on the internet generally because I feel like everything is so private and should be kept to oneself, but the new plan is to share a little more, not that a ton of people would be interested in my random thoughts and experiences but I'll try all the same.
   The highlights that you all have missed so far include school, exams, shopping, food, tumblr-ing and a lot of series. For those of you who want to try new series, I suggest Deception, The Carrie Diaries (if you liked Sex and the City), The Lying game, Revenge. Series are my best buddies these days. And, I have a new tumblr <---Please check it out. Oh and I'm falling in love with photography and pictures so there might be a bit of that, you know a picture is worth a thousand words. So on the blog, there'll be a bunch of stuff: pictures I've taken (I'm not a photographer, its just a hobby), songs I like, poems, experiences and just stuff.
  The whole point of this post is to say that I'm back and I will be thinking of this blog a lot and posting more and sharing more. I hope you're all well xx